Friday 29 May 2009


The guys in the Superconductors group wanted to put up a post telling everybody what it is they do, so here it is:

The Superconductors group is made up of students from years 9-13. We were created so we could learn more about the fascinating experiments involving them and teach others by making a short, educational video. It's difficult to explain what a superconductor is briefly, but it's basically an item that (when combined with a magnet and liquid nitrogen to keep it really cold) can create a strong force that has no resistance and can withstand huge weights. It's easier to explain with a picture:

This 22 stone sumo wrestler is being held in the air, almost like floating, just by the power of the superconductor (amazing isn't it!). The early ideas for the future of them are already being carried out as in Asia they have made a train that runs on superconductors. The idea being that it would give off no emissions as it doesn't need fuel to move because there's no resistance to them (however, when there's no resistance it makes it hard to stop the train!).

The Superconductor group has been on short trips to London and The University of Bristol to shoot some documentary footage and there is one more trip to Siemens still to come! We hope to edit together the video in June and it will be available to future students when studying science.

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