Friday 29 May 2009

Exeter Sports Tour 2008

Back in September 2008, girls from years 10, 11, 12 and 13 went on tour with their school Netball and Hockey teams. They had such a great time, they're still talking about it now and wanted to let everyone know by putting up a post on the blog.

We travelled up to Exeter on the Friday afternoon and then stopped at a school to play our netball game against 'Silver Fox's' school. Although it was a very close game, we lost by about 4 goals but still, it was a very good experience. Later on in the evening we went to Pizza Hut and then Hollywood bowl for a fun evening of entertainment and lots of food!
On the saturday, in the early hours of the morning we played a hockey match against a professional team. Unfortunatley we lost 3-0 but still had a fun time in the hot weather and laughing at Miss W, the PE teacher, falling over her own feet!
After our tiring game, we went for a trip to the beach and took lots of pictures, running in and out of the sea and writing our names in the sand. We also all got ourselves a well-deserved ice cream and enjoyed the sun!
In the afternoon, we went for a shopping trip to explore the exeter towns. (This was after Miss B got us horribly lost and had no idea where we were going!)
Later on in the evening we went out for a meal at a fancy reasturant and eat lots of lovely food. We then, watched films together with popcorn and sweets whilst getting our awards that all the teachers awarded us. Some of the awards given were;
Continuously Injured - Katie Caple
Best Hockey Player - Ella Gosling
"Special" Bowler - Lottie Gosling
Princess - Lucy Riggs
and many more...

On sunday morning we all got up bright and early to pack up our bags and get ready to head home. We packed our stuff into the
 minibus, just managing to cram it all in.

We headed home with lots of great memories and lots of laughs... It was a trip to remember!

We want to thank the p.e staff for such a fun weekened and we hope that this will happen again!

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